Dr. Frank M. Kendralla

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Self-taught vs standing on the shoulders of others

Title: Embracing the Journey: Learning and Growth Beyond Self-Taught

In a world that celebrates the idea of being self-made, it's essential to pause and reflect on the truth that no one truly walks the path alone. Being self-taught is often romanticized, but in reality, every individual is a mosaic, a product of the countless interactions and experiences that shape their journey.

"I am self-taught," a phrase frequently heard, carries a certain aura of independence and resilience. Yet, upon closer examination, one realizes the fallacy in this claim. No one is entirely self-taught; instead, we are all students of life, constantly learning and evolving through the influence of those around us.

I've come to embrace the role of a "noticer" in my journey of learning and growth. Rather than attributing my knowledge and skills solely to my efforts, I acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the people I've encountered. From mentors who have generously shared their wisdom to peers who have challenged and inspired me, each person has left an indelible mark on my development.

My learning journey is not confined to traditional classrooms or structured courses. Instead, it encompasses diverse experiences – from devouring books and watching videos to participating in workshops and engaging in meaningful conversations. Each interaction adds a new layer to the foundation of who I am, enriching my perspective and expanding my understanding of the world.

The wisdom of Proverbs 27:17 resonates deeply with me: "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Just as iron sharpens iron, we sharpen one another through connections and interactions. Every exchange, whether fleeting or profound, has the potential to shape our character and refine our skills.

Acknowledging the role of others in our journey does not diminish our agency or accomplishments. Instead, it magnifies the beauty of human connection and the power of collaboration. We are not solitary beings navigating the world alone but interconnected souls bound by the threads of shared experiences and mutual growth.

So, the next time you hear someone proudly declare themselves as self-taught, pause and reflect on the myriad influences that have contributed to their journey. Embrace the richness of learning from others and celebrate the interconnectedness of our collective wisdom. After all, actual growth lies not in isolation but in the beautiful tapestry of human connection.