

Welcome to my site! I am the author or Two are better than One - Don’t do this thing called life alone! | With over forty years of experience in corporate America and multiple decades of photography experience, I write about life, inspiration, photography, and personal growth. Enjoy your stay!

Life is a journey | Love | Make it with your best friend!

Life is a journey and often it seems we are alone.

The journey to the top is often tough, but the view from the mountain is great!

We may struggle but the challenges test our courage, build strengths, reduce weaknesses, and build our faith!

There is nothing like making the journey of life with a friend.

For a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Often, life is a like a maze where you go through many obstacles to reach the goal.

Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go. Spencer Johnson

Valentine's Day Memory 42nd year anniversary

Three of the most important days of your life