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Two are better than one. Don’t do this thing called life alone!

Two are better than one. Don’t do this thing called life alone!


Are you interested in a faith-based book that is inter-generational and multi-racial with a veteran as the ultimate hero? Can a corporate executive who is “living the dream”, learn from his divine appointment with people who challenge him to look at life different?

One reader calls the book a modern day “Pilgrim’s Progress and another reader states it is a multi-racial book about life.

Michael, a corporate executive, who is ‘living the dream,’ with life pressing into him from work and home, wakes up in a thought-provoking town far from home, encountering people whose ‘soul’ purpose is to help guide him through this season in life. Are these people legit, or are they a hoax? Is this all a dream or a divine appointment? Michael knows all about keeping appointments, and these meetings are not on his calendar. Is Michael too stubborn to learn from their sincere kindness toward him? Will Michael learn that life should not be lived in a vacuum, and two are better than one in this journey called life?

Meanwhile, Abby, his wife encounters challenges of her own as she seeks to determine if Michael is always working or has a secret life. Her search for the truth propels her on an introspective and challenging journey. Will the two of them see the opportunity or ignore it?

Do you want more out of the dreams put on your heart? Have your dreams, desires, and goals changed? Has your dream become a nightmare?

Click here to order the paperback or Kindle version. An audio version is forthcoming.