

Welcome to my site! I am the author or Two are better than One - Don’t do this thing called life alone! | With over forty years of experience in corporate America and multiple decades of photography experience, I write about life, inspiration, photography, and personal growth. Enjoy your stay!

The view from the top is great when experienced with others!

The view from the top is great when experienced with others!

I enjoy finding a mountain or tall hill and climbing it to look into the valley where I traveled from. Many years ago, I was told that I would never walk normal again and was told to forget running or doing anything strenuous that involved my legs or back. The full story is for a different day, but this is why I enjoy walking or climbing to the top of a hill or mountain. 

North Carolina Beaches

North Carolina Beaches

Be the lighthouse in someone else’s storm.

Recently, I had the opportunity to ride in a helicopter with my eldest grandson. My goal was to provide him with something different and a fantastic memory. Wow! What an adventure. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would I be scared? Would my grandson be afraid? Would it feel as if we were going to fall out of the sky? I have flown hundreds of thousands of miles in an airplane but never in a helicopter. The experience is far more excellent than expected. Why? Because we rode the chopper for the first time – together.  I hope he never forgets the experience. I know I won’t. Was the ride amazing? Yes! Was it breathtaking to look over the various beaches and islands as if flying like an eagle? Yes! Did we both enjoy looking down on the clear water and seeing sharks swimming? Yes! Did I enjoy flying over two different lighthouses that I only viewed from the ground? Yes! But that isn’t what made the experience life-changing. It was because I experienced it with my eldest grandson. Experiencing life with others makes every new encounter much more enjoyable!

Just like climbing a mountain or flying high above the ground provides a unique view of the world, stepping back in a challenging situation offers a new perspective. Keep in mind that life is a matter of perspective! It is much easier to look at life from our point of view, but one of the best times to change our viewpoint is when we are in discussion with someone else. Especially if it is a heated discussion. This situation might be at work, home, or shopping. Regardless of the case, it is best to step back and review life from the perspective of others.

North Carolina

North Carolina

Life is a matter of perspective

Life is a matter of perspective